Coyote’s Quality Policy

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What do our shippers say about us?

Coyote allows us to go back to the way we were trading before Brexit.

Alistair Crichton, CEO, Stateside Skates

More insights from our satisfied customers.

Shipper testimonial - Nutkao - Coyote Logistics


“Coyote has really helped us in sourcing capacity (…). When we ask for a quote or request a transport, they always quickly confirm. This is very crucial to us because we need a fast answer since our customers very often have an urgent request.”
Irene Giargia, Exports Coordinator,

Shipper testimonial BikeFlights - Coyote Logistics


“I would recommend working with Coyote. They have the same commitment that we do. They’ve shown that they can deliver. (…) At the end of the line our customer experience is really what we’re able to maintain by working with a partner like Coyote.”
William Alcorn, President,

Shipper testimonial - Molino Nicoli - Coyote Logistics

Molino Nicoli

“Coyote is really cost-competitive and always deliver quickly. They deliver within three days, which helps when we are low on stock in the warehouse (…). We are confident that Coyote Logistics will be able to help us meet our goals (…). Coyote always has a solution!”
Laura Cortesi, Export Officer,
Molino Nicoli

Insights to help grow your business

December 16, 2020

Everything Shippers Need to Know About Brexit

If you ship internationally, here’s what you need to know about Brexit and how Coyote helps to navigate its impact on customs, shipping costs and your business

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January 2, 2024

Masterpiecies with a Load Capacity of over 3.5 Tons, or a Few Words about Art Trucks from Asia

Discover the vibrant art of Asian truck decoration! These 3.5-ton masterpieces blend functionality and aesthetics, turning transport into a mobile art exhibit.

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February 20, 2024

How Might the CSRD Affect the Road Transport Industry?

Explore the impact of the CSRD on the road transport industry, balancing the need for goods supply and environmental protection.

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