E-commerce Logistics

Unlock success with our whole package of tailored transport solutions

Accelerate your e-commerce logistics to broadband speeds! Transforms logistical challenges into seamless victories, ensuring your e-commerce loads move as swiftly as your internet connection.

Smooth and efficient supply chains, tailored for e-commerce businesses.

E-commerce logistics require timely services, such as same-day or same-hour delivery. A reliable logistics partner is essential for success. We provide comprehensive transportation solutions for e-commerce needs.Our services include slot booking, a European line-haul network, airport delivery capabilities, 24/7 tracking, and the flexibility to manage sudden increases in demand with our van services.

UPS, our parent company, is part of the Amazon Partnered Carrier Program, designed to streamline shipping and reduce costs for customers.

What makes us different?

Coyote - Industries -E-commerce - Slot booking - Coyote Logistics

Slot booking

Our primary mission is to keep e-commerce supply chains flowing smoothly, ensuring every load is delivered punctually. We achieve this through slot booking, which reserves specific times for trucks to arrive at distribution centers for load pickups or deliveries

Coyote - Industries - E-commerce - Line-haul -Coyote Logistics

Great line-haul network in Europe

Our extensive line-haul network spans the UK, Benelux, France, Spain, Germany, and Poland, offering direct truck deliveries to national distribution centers.

Coyote - Industries -E-commerce - Air freight -Coyote Logistics

Airport deliveries

We work with a network of proven carriers equipped with all the necessary permits, allowing their trucks to access airports for cargo deliveries or pickups, seamlessly connecting ground to air transport.

Coyote - Port collections - Coyote Logistics

Port collections

We ensure efficient container transport from British ports to warehouses throughout the United Kingdom, facilitating the effective delivery of imported goods to processing sites. This streamlined process ensures that products reach the appropriate supply networks and ultimately, the end consumers, seamlessly.

Coyote - Industries -E-commerce - Peak season support - Coyote Logistics

Support during seasonal peaks

We know how important peak season is for every e-commerce company. In a situation where it is necessary for you to suddenly provide additional supplies, we offer additional support during and we are able to increase capacity in the short term.

Coyote - One UPS Hybrid - Coyote Logistics

One UPS Hybrid shipping model

Your multi-piece shipments from the UK to the European Union can sometimes face delays during customs clearance. The Coyote hybrid transportation model, which aligns with the One UPS approach, offers a solution to this challenge. This approach consolidates parcel shipments into a single truck load for bulk customs clearance before the cargo is transported to a UPS hub.

Coyote’s e-commerce load journey

Coyote - E-commerce load journey - Coyote Logistics

Coyote’s European network of warehouses and logistics centers

Boost your company’s growth by tapping into Coyote’s expansive European network of warehouses and logistics centers, optimizing your supply chains for heightened efficiency. A prime example is how delivery to the UPS center in Eindhoven (Netherlands) offers the quickest route for your goods to hit the market.

Coyote - European network - Coyote Logistics

Everything you can expect from an e-commerce logistics partner in the hands of one proven supplier.

  • Coyote Logistics - Slot booking
  • Coyote Logistics - Direct truck injections
  • Coyote Logistics - Airport deliveries
  • Coyote Logistics - Container transport

  • Coyote Logistics - Multi-piece load consolidation
  • Coyote Logistics - Warehousing
  • Coyote Logistics - Truck and Trace Solutions
  • Coyote Logistics - Customs

Trust our expertise

What do our shippers say about us?

Coyote allows us to go back to the way we were trading before Brexit.

Alistair Crichton, CEO, Stateside Skates

More insights from our satisfied customers.

Shipper testimonial - Nutkao - Coyote Logistics


“Coyote has really helped us in sourcing capacity (…). When we ask for a quote or request a transport, they always quickly confirm. This is very crucial to us because we need a fast answer since our customers very often have an urgent request.”
Irene Giargia, Exports Coordinator,

Shipper testimonial BikeFlights - Coyote Logistics


“I would recommend working with Coyote. They have the same commitment that we do. They’ve shown that they can deliver. (…) At the end of the line our customer experience is really what we’re able to maintain by working with a partner like Coyote.”
William Alcorn, President,

Shipper testimonial - Molino Nicoli - Coyote Logistics

Molino Nicoli

“Coyote is really cost-competitive and always deliver quickly. They deliver within three days, which helps when we are low on stock in the warehouse (…). We are confident that Coyote Logistics will be able to help us meet our goals (…). Coyote always has a solution!”
Laura Cortesi, Export Officer,
Molino Nicoli

Insights to help grow your business

May 17, 2024

Coyote Logistics Advances Greener Road Transport Initiatives Using Pledge’s Accredited Carbon Reporting Technology

Coyote Logistics’commitment to greener transport is bolstered by Pledge’s carbon reporting technology, providing transparency on supply chain emissions.

October 7, 2020

CoyoteGO Carrier #3: Finding &Booking Available Loads

Within CoyoteGO® our advanced search features are there to help you find, book and negotiate shipments that work for your business;streamline your search!

July 22, 2024

Why Coyote Logistics is the Top Choice for European Shippers: Rapid Onboarding and Comprehensive Services

Richard Finch, our VP Sales, explains why Coyote is the top choice for European shippers.